Wednesday 8 January 2014

Learning Salesforce – Part-4

Part-3 can be found from here (Learning Salesforce - Part-3)

 Approval Process

An Approval process is an automated process that organization can use to approve records in Salesforce. An Approval process specifies the steps necessary for a record to be approved and who must approve it at each approval step. A step can apply to all records included in the process.

Approval Request:

An approval request is an email notifying the recipient that a record was submitted for approval and his or her approval is requested.

Approval process steps assigns approval requests to various users and define the chain of approval for a particular approval process.

Each approval steps specifies the user who can approve requests for those records and whether to allow the delegate of the approver to approve he requests.

Assigned Approver:

Assigned approver is the user responsible for approving an approval request.

Delegated approver:

A delegated approver is a user appointed by an assigned approver as an alternate for approval requests. Delegated approvers can’t reassign approval requests; they can only approve or reject approval requests.

Approval process stages:

1. Initial Submission.
2. After submitting record should be either Approved or Rejected or Recalled.

An Approval process also specifies the actions to take when a record is approved rejected, recalled.

Approval Actions:

It is an Action that occurs as a result of an Approval process.

There are four types of approval actions:

1.    Task: Assigning task to a user we specify.
2.    E-mail alert: Uses an email template we specify to send an email to a designated recipient or group of recipients.
3.    Field update: Changes the value of a selected. We can specify a value or create a formula for the new value.
4.    Outbound Message: sends a message to an endpoint we designate. We can also specify a username and the data want to include in message.

For every stage we can create all the above four actions according to our requirement.

Record locking:

Record locking is the process of preventing users from editing a record.

The initial submission actions, final approval actions, final rejection and recall actions related lists can contain record lock actions by default.

We cannot edit this default action for initial submission and recall action but we can edit for final approval action and final rejection action.

Practical Way:

Create a new approval process:

Here we will give entry criteria for records and will assign a template to approver.

We will have two ways of creating process

1) Use jump start wizard: Also known as one-step approval process. We can create one step using a single wizard (all the process should be in a Quick way)

2) Standard step wizard:

Create a step:

Here we will select the approver to whom that particular record will go for approval.

We have two ways.

1. Let the submitter can choose automatically.
2. We can assign the users from lookup we can add no of users by Clicking in add row.

We can have any No of steps. But once we activated the approval process we can’t be able to add or remove the steps.

Creating Actions:

We can create any action (Task, Field update, E-mail alert, O/B message) for after approving or rejecting or recalling. (Same as workflow actions)

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